Problematic Comments Made to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals in Healthcare Settings

These comments hit home.

Unfortunately, they happen more often than you may realize.

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The document is titled, “Problematic Comments Made to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals in Healthcare Settings.”

The comments are as follows:

1) “Can you read lips?”
2) “We have Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), that’s our only option.”
3) “Did you bring someone to translate for you? If not, we need to reschedule.”
4) “When/how did you become hearing impaired?”
5) “Have you considered a cochlear implant?”
6) “Tell him/her ….”
7) “We only provide interpreters for the patient, not family members.”
8) “We forgot to schedule an interpreter for your appointment.”
9) “Is there another person we can talk with about your condition/treatment plan?
10) “I’m not sure who to contact to get the accommodation(s) (e.g., interpreter, real-time captioning, and assistive listening device) that you are requesting.”
11) “We don’t provide real-time captioning services.”
12) “We have wonderful news; your child has normal hearing!”
13) “Why can’t your child interpret for you?”
14) “It’s okay if we don’t have an interpreter, the nurse will provide you with notes.”
15) To the interpreter: “Thank you for being here – it’s so nice of you to help them!”

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About the author : Corey Axelrod

Corey Axelrod, MBA, is a passionate social justice advocate and social entrepreneur. As founder and CEO of 2axend, he guides organizations to create user-centric experiences for the Deaf and hard of hearing community.